THE ROAD TO RANGOON: Released today!

by lucycruickshanks

Hooray! It’s publication day! THE ROAD TO RANGOON is finally out in the big wide world. I’m proud and nervous and excited, but mostly I’m really very sincerely grateful to everyone who has been so supportive and bought a copy. It’s wonderful to have you cheering me on. I do hope you enjoy.

As if by magic too, a box of books arrived on my doorstep from my publisher this morning. I’m poised – pen in hand – to sign a couple and send them wherever in the world would like them most. Drop by my Facebook page, let me know why you think you should get one, and I’ll pick my favourite reasons and send you a book!

In the meantime, you can read the novel’s prologue on my website,, and you can purchase from all the usual outlets in hardback, ebook or audiobook.

Many thanks again for all your support.

Lucy x

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Better than Christmas… beautiful books!